Barnardos - Champions

At the heart of Barnardos Australia's mission is the belief that "every child needs a champion." However, the harsh reality is that many children in Australia face unsafe living conditions, inadequate nutrition, and neglect.


Natalie Logan: Head of Brand and Marketing, Barnardos

Irene Saunders: Head of Communications, PR and Media, Barnardos

Marc Collister: Managing Director & Partner

Josh McEvoy: Art Director & Partner

David Flanagan: Director of Strategy & Creative

Aaron Stannard: Animator

Jon Nightingale: Animator

Anna Philippova: Illustrator

Rob Morrison: Copywriter

Kristian Mather: Senior Editor

Grant Walls: Editor


With over 1,300 reports of child abuse or neglect daily, the need for caring individuals to step up and make a difference has never been more urgent. In this poignant campaign, Barnardos aimed not to solicit donations or sponsors but to appeal to individuals with an abundance of love to give. They sought out those with an extra room to share, an extra meal to provide – people who genuinely care about making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children.

Situation: Barnardos needed an emotive foster carer recruitment campaign highlighting the urgency of providing safe homes for vulnerable children across Australia.

Solution: Producible crafted an animated signature video as the centrepiece:

  • Compelling storytelling conveyed real-life foster care needs
  • Leveraged existing assets to reduce costs while maintaining consistency
  • Campaign approach was carefully designed for recruitment effectiveness

By taking a Producible approach, Barnardos could create an engaging, dynamic awareness driver within a set budget.


  • Poignant animated video encouraged audiences to become foster carers
  • Resonated with potential new carers through smart, empathetic animation
  • Amplified Barnardos' core message in an impactful, cost-effective way
  • Inspired community to provide loving homes for children in need

Summary: Producible made a tight budget work much harder by repurposing existing illustrations into a fantastic animated recruitment piece - a genuine win for the kids.